Victoria Avenue, Manchester, Lancashire, m45 6DP


Whitefield Community Primary School

School Office

Here you will find the latest news and events from the school office.

You will also find useful documentation and forms that can be downloaded and returned to the school.


At Whitefield Community Primary School, we have a wide range of ways to share information with our community, including:

  • The School Website
  • Newsletters shared via Parent Hub and Class Dojo
  • Letters home
  • Parent Hub 
  • Class Dojo 
  • Reports home to inform around progress and attainment 
  • Phone calls 
  • Teachers available at the end of the school day on the playground 
  • Senior leaders available at the start and end of the day on the playground
  • Formal school events such as Parents Evening 
  • Informal school events such as Mothers Day tea, Bingo, Night at the Museum, Celebration Assemblies and many more...


At Whitefield we value the opinions and ideas of our parents and carers in how we can make our school even better. You said... you would like to see more of what is going on in class since it is more difficult for you to come into school due to the pandemic... we did... we introduced class newsletters each half term from Summer 1. 


If you have any queries please contact Mrs Coates or Mrs Teasdale at the school office on 01617662852 or email them at 


If you have any other ideas of how we can share information with you, please drop a note in our suggestion box at the main school office.

Thank you!