School Meals
School meals cost £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week). Payment must be made on a Monday morning each week, or the first day back after a holiday. The exact money should be sent into school in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name, class and what the money is for. We accept cheques made payable to Bury MBC.
Some of our parents now prefer to pay at the beginning of each half-term for the whole of that term.
If you think that your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please contact The Benefits Assessment Team, Customer Support and Collections who can be contacted
on 0161 253 5858 or the link below
Children are not allowed to bring snacks or drinks to school for break times. Milk or water is provided by the school (milk is paid for on a termly basis). All children are welcome to bring in their own water bottle which they are able to fill up throughout the day. We have our own kitchen which provides hot meals for the children. If you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch. Children must not bring any fizzy drinks to school at all. We discourage the transfer from school meals to packed lunches and vice versa at short notice.
Free School Meal Information - click here
Click here for more information: Primary school meals - Bury Council including menus.